
The Schools Division Office

As frontline office of the Department for the management of basic education delivery, the Schools Division Office (DO)

-provides instructional leadership to schools and learning centers which are the direct implementers of educational programs for learner development.

This is carried out through

-a strategic division education plan in consideration of the needs and concerns of the division, districts, schools and learning centers and aligned with the regional education development plans.

Curriculum Implementation Division

  • Focuses on implementing the agency’s core function of delivering quality basic education and is tasked to ensure  full implementation of the articulated basic education curriculum (K-12: pre-school, elementary, secondary and specialized curriculum), through localization/indigenization and innovations in teaching the various subject-areas toward improvement in the quality of learning outcomes.

CID – Instructional Management and Supervision

  • Shall ensure readiness of schools and LCs in the implementation of the articulated basic education curriculum (K-12: pre-school, elementary, secondary and specialized curriculum) including localization/indigenization and innovations as well as the supervision in the teaching-learning process of the various subject-areas and the provision of technical assistance towards improvement in the quality of learning outcomes.
  • The Education Program Supervisors shall work along their areas of specialization with both Learning Resource Management and Development and District Supervision in ensuring that schools and learning centers achieve the required learning outcomes and performance.

CID – Learning Resource Management and Development

  • Improve the provision of and access to quality learning and teaching resource materials for students and instructional support materials for teachers in the division including textbooks in coordination with Planning and coordinate with Library Hubs located in the schools division.
  • Develop, produce and distribute approved localized learning resources for division-wide adoption in coordination with the Center for Learning Resources in the region. It shall work with the ES and PSDSs to provide technical assistance to schools in the development, production, and distribution of learning resources and utilization of learning materials.

Governance and Operations Division (GO)

  • Focuses the Division Office to take on as part of its core function of providing oversight and ensuring due diligence in the management of schools. Part of providing oversight that schools operate according to set standards is ensuring that the schools get the resources they need to operate and comply with such standards.

GO – Social Mobilization

  • Work at advocating and promoting community involvement and engagement in the task of education.
  • Ensure that the schools are able to strike a balance between involving the community in plans and decisions in the spirit of shared governance and yet maintain its own administrative accountability
  • Ensure resource generation for the schools division, schools and learning centers through Public/Private Partnerships, Public/Media relations and Advocacy and conceptualization and implementation of Special Educational Support Projects.
  • It shall work with District Instructional Supervision as well as Educational Support Services to harmonize each others’ effort
  • Focal point for the division in planning, implementing, coordinating and monitoring activities related to DRRM, EiE, climate change mitigation and adaptation.

GO – Planning and Research

  • Provides support to management in the preparation/updating of the DEDP and provides technical assistance to the districts in the preparation of the District Development Plan, and schools in the development of their School Improvement Plan (SIP).
  • Develops and maintain Division Education Planning and Data Management Systems and conducts research studies to provide critical inputs as bases for management’s strategic and operational decisions.
  • Work with other functional groups in the Division Office regarding data gleaned through the EBEIS (e.g. Textbooks with LRMDS, school buildings with Engineering, Teachers with Personnel and HRD.

GO – Human Resource Development

  • Implement efficient and effective Human Resource Development Systems to ensure availability of competent education leaders, teaching and non-teaching personnel for the schools and division office at all times.
  • In close coordination with the region it manages the implementation of the T&D System including the INSET programs, Career Development, Management and Succession Planning Systems, Scholarship and Grants Program.

GO – Educational Facilities

  • Ensure structurally and physically safe buildings, grounds and facilities for the Division Offices and schools/ LCs and maintain a conducive physical environment.
  • Its key results are engineering plans, specifications and standards, School site/topography/hazard mapping and school facilities profile.
  • Provide technical assistance to the BAC procurement activities, implementation of School Based Repair and Maintenance (SBRM), school development plan, etc.

GO – Health and Nutrition

  • Ensure the physical readiness of learners to learn, thru the implementation of health programs, provision of basic health and nutrition services and establishment of a healthful school environment through its team of nurses and dentists deployed in the districts.
  • Work closely with District Instructional Supervision to build and sustain partnerships for resource generation and social mobilization towards the development of healthy school children.
  • Provide technical assistance and develop programs to promote a healthy lifestyle and practices among teachers and non teaching personnel as effective role models to the learners.


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